
Campofrío Food Group is an International Food and Nutrition Consumer-Oriented Group. The Company has investments in three continents, production plants in four countries, and supplies more than 250 million consumers worldwide in more than 40 different countries.
Campofrío is an organisation with a global strategy and in continual expansion. It evolves both in quantity and quality by successfully applying technological innovations. The Company has created a solid financial platform in the most important markets worldwide, not only in markets belonging to strong and consolidated economies but also in countries with a high and fast development rate.
The Campofrío Group has adopted a Healthy Life philosophy as a style of life which are reflect in it’s the company’s goals: A continual search for healthy products in order to fully satisfy consumers and guarantee an improvement in their quality of life.
Traditionally, the company considered R&D as a differentiating factor over its competitors. Being a leader requires to lead this field and applying its new knowledge to its processes.
Research projects have focused in: detection of potential pathogens in its ingredients; safety and homogeneity of its products; improvement in usage of HPP parameters and development of new HPP products. With High Pressure Processing, Campofrio Alimentacion becomes one of Europe leaders in cold pasteurizing technology of meat products.
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