Fressure Foods

With their incredible taste, nutrition and goodness the avocado is one of natures wonder-foods. Now thanks to some fresh Kiwi thinking, the pure goodness of fresh avocado is a whole lot easier to enjoy.
Fresh from New Zealand, Fressure Foods™ brings you pure, all natural Avocado Spread and Mild and Spicy Guacamole. All made from fresh avocados grown in New Zealand’s beautiful orchards.
You’ll love the taste. You’ll love the convenience [who wouldn’t!]. But you’ll especially love the fact that these are 100% natural products with no additives, preservatives, thickeners, colourants nor anything else that’s artificial. Our Avocado Spread is purely 100% avocado and our Guacamoles are at least 94% pure avocado with other fresh herbs and spices like fresh coriander and fresh onion.
Oh yes, you’ll also enjoy the fact that there is absolutely no waste with Fressures™ Avocado. We’ve taken away what you don’t want and left you with what you do want.
Pure goodness, ready to serve.
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